
1.GototheXboxStoreandsearchforAssassin'sCreedIII.2.SelectthegameandscrolldowntotheAdd-onssection ...,ASeasonPassisalsoavailableforthegame,whichgrantedaccesstoTheHiddenSecretsPackaweekearly.Accompanyingthis,at$29.99,thepassis25% ...,對於您遇到疑難時該如何取得協助,我們進行了一些調整。請在這裡查看如何取得您需要的支援。|AssassinsCreedIiiSeasonPass.,在此尋找實用手冊和疑難排解訣竅,它們可以幫您解決...

How to get my AC3 season pass to show up on my Xbox Series S

1. Go to the Xbox Store and search for Assassin's Creed III. 2. Select the game and scroll down to the Add-ons section ...

Assassin's Creed III downloadable content

A Season Pass is also available for the game, which granted access to The Hidden Secrets Pack a week early. Accompanying this, at $29.99, the pass is 25% ...


對於您遇到疑難時該如何取得協助,我們進行了一些調整。請在這裡查看如何取得您需要的支援。 | Assassins Creed Iii Season Pass.

我需要載入遊戲相關協助- Assassins Creed Iii Season Pass

在此尋找實用手冊和疑難排解訣竅,它們可以幫您解決您可能遇到的Assassins Creed Iii Season Pass 問題。

評分 3.0 (16) This product is non-returnable and non-refundable. Note: Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States.

Assassin's Creed III Remaster is past of the Odyssey Season Pass!

The Remastered editions will feature 4K and & HDR on PS4™ Pro, Xbox One X and PC, higher resolution textures, new graphics engine, and several ...

Assassin's Creed III - Season Pass - Page 2

According to Ubisoft it's a licensing problem, you should be able access the DLCs from the 360 marketplace once you've installed the season pass ...

Accessing the Season Pass version of Assassin's Creed III ...

As long as you are accessing the store from the correct account, it should detect your ownership of the Season Pass automatically and display a download button.

Buy Season Pass

With this Season Pass, you get access to more than 5 hours of new single-player gameplay, 3 multiplayer maps, and more.